Wednesday, 6 April 2011

A bit of a boost for a change and ...Police training day

On Monday, I had an interview for an extra day of work each week. I was competing with two colleagues which I found difficult. Anyway, I got the position. It's only temporary as it covers another colleague's hours as she is off work sick. I miss her and am looking forward to her return so I'm happy to give up the hours ASAP if it means she'll be back and in good health again. However, in the short term, I have to admit that the extra money will come in handy.
The Police Family Liaison Officer training day went OK. Well I think it did - I haven’t had feedback yet.
They looked somewhat nervous and uncomfortable as I read from my blog about the fury I felt when the Restorative Justice was turned down. My need for revenge was evident as I talked of my fantasy of shooting bullets at people’s knees. I stopped reading three times to smile at them and say, “Of course we need to be aware that I’m not in that place anymore.” I could feel the tension in the room and thought they needed some reassuring. When I’d finished they said that it brought it home just how awful I had felt and how damaging the wrong interventions could be.
We all agreed that although a few issues had been caused by people who clearly didn’t give a damn, most were the result of a lack of training and/or a lack of awareness/people skills.
It helped me to be able to talk it over to them. And to feel that perhaps another family might be spared what I was forced to endure.
It’s left me feeling very tired though. Am in for another early night.

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